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Dieselex Gold - Added Cetane for Greater Performance

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There have been many changes to engine technology and fuel composition over the years. Dieselex Gold has been reformulated to exceed these changing demands and outperform other diesel fuels.


  • Protection for the entire fuel system
  • Clean up deposits left by typical ULSD 
  • Keeps engines clean 
  • Quicker starts/less cold cranking Improved combustion
  • Quieter and smoother operation
  • Optimized fuel economy 
  • Optimum power 
  • Reduction in emissions 
  • Less unexpected downtime 
  • Improved overall performance


  • A patented detergency package that inhibits the formation of harmful engine deposits and clean up any existing deposits, keeping engines clean and operating with maximum power and efficiency 
  • An increased Cetane number providing quicker starts, a more complete combustion, and reduced emissions 
  • Resistance to thermal and oxidative breakdown during operation and long-term storage 
  • Improved lubricity to add protection from wear to all moving parts within the fuel system 
  • Resistance to rust and corrosion throughout the entire fuel system 
  • Moisture control that slows water buildup from condensation and cleanly splits out any free water for easy removal
  • Extends filter life by keeping small particles from combining into larger particles


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Contact our Energy Sales Team, fill out the online form below, or call the Main Office at 217-452-7751.


Mike  Ratliff
Mike Ratliff
Energy Sales & Delivery Specialist
Terry Witherell
Terry Witherell
Energy Sales & Delivery Specialist
Bo Harrison
Bo Harrison
Energy Sales & Delivery Specialist
Zain Attebery
Zain Attebery
Energy Sales Specialist

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